Dialect in British Fiction: 1800-1836Funded by The Arts and Humanities Research CouncilSupported by The University of Sheffield
Events and Updates

Papers that draw on the database that have been delivered at recent conferences by Jane Hodson:

“The Language of the Peasant in British Fiction 1800-1836” to be delivered at ESSE in Kosice, Slovakia in September 2014 (forthcoming)

 ‘“Could you not, in speaking, correct your native accent?”: Marking the boundary between Standard and Non-Standard in British Fiction 1800-1836’ at “Margins and Norms”, Aix en Provence, April 2014

‘Language and Revolution in the Novels of Mary Wollstonecraft, Mary Hays and Elizabeth Hamilton’, at “Women and Revolution in the 18th Century” at University of Lund, April 2014

‘Talking Scots and talking about Scots: Metalanguage and the Representation of Scottish English in Novels, 1800-1836’ at the British association of Romantic Studies Conference University of Glasgow, July 2011

'Metalanguage and dialect representation' at the Fourth International Conference in Late Modern English, University of Sheffield May 27th-29th 2010

'Tagging the fictional representation of Northern Englishes: methodological issues from the "Dialect in British Fiction 1800-1836" project' at 'the 4th Northern Englishes Workshop', at University of Sheffield, 7th-9th April 2010 (with Julie Millward)

Version 1.1 (December 2015)Background image reproduced from the Database of Mid Victorian Illustration (DMVI)